Monday, July 4, 2011

Demystifying Illuminist Power Structures by Neil Kramer

The illusory world in which we find ourselves has both gross and subtle aspects. Gross in terms of the five sense perceived reality and subtle as in that which lies beyond the direct comprehension of the senses. The path of transcendent knowledge, unique to each individual, guides us through both levels to a higher frequency of consciousness and a fuller understanding of how the multiverse is composed. In this respect, awareness of Illuminist organizations and their methods can be considered a natural part of moving through the gross illusory stages. As energies retune from the physical to the metaphysical, perspective is positively transformed and many of the ominous manoeuvrings of the Illuminist agenda begin to dissipate.

Humans are not unconscious and dim-witted by nature. Our impressive contemporary ignorance is the result of prolonged and invasive conditioning. The Control System uses basic diversionary tactics to prevent most humans from ever engaging with anything meaningful. It deploys encumbering psychological hoaxes like keeping people stressed inside a protestant work ethic time-loop, over endorsing left brain activity, removing the divine from daily life, omnipresent junk entertainment etc. It augments these with physical disconnections through bad water, bad food and a haze of atmospheric and electromagnetic interference. Combined, they subvert the natural evolution of the human soul from its normal ascension trajectory down to the prosaic drudgery of the 21st century consumer plantation.
Psychic equilibrium is important on the path. It is a mistake, for example, to concentrate all ones energies exclusively on the unveiling process. To specialize solely in matters of exposing conspiracies is tantamount to spiritual seppuku. Endless conspiratorial digging serves only to repeatedly confirm the existence of the Control System. No solutions, just problems. Many powerful minds have had their spiritual advancement hindered, and in some cases terminated, by succumbing to this negative vortex. I will resist the temptation to cite examples. Equally, ignoring the unveiling altogether can lead to the rather unfortunate space bunny syndrome; where previously evolving minds liquefy into self-contained escapist fantasy worlds where everything is always bouncy.

The Gross Illusion
The affairs of planet Earth are locally administered by unelected organizations operating from behind a screen of artificial capitalist and communist governments. The Wizard of Oz is pulling the levers and the munchkins are reverently oblivious. A bitter pill to swallow. The emergence of the Internet has made it possible to assemble and cross reference masses of previously disparate data into a more lucid and conceivable whole. A course of alternative esoteric education that would’ve formerly taken decades (with the cooperation of several major libraries) can now be achieved within a few months. There is much deep study, analysis and intuition required, but it can be done. Suffice to say the Control System is real. The plot has been thickening nicely from day one. As with any other illusion, the student must progress sequentially through each distinct layer to arrive at the truth, the key to the entire illusion.

See the Layers Of Control diagram (click for a larger version).

Government. The superficial administrators of the policies of others.

Realpolitik. From the German real [realistic/practical] and politik [politics]. Realpolitik emphasizes immediate
practicalities over principled ideologies. It has become synonymous with unscrupulous and coercive political tactics, particularly since its popularization in modern times via the arch-necromancer Henry Kissinger.

Parapolitics. An entirely unaccountable system operating out of sight of the public and beyond the rule of law. Ramped up Realpolitik with greater reliance on deception, suppression and force.

Illuminism. Characterized by the extreme stratification of knowledge and technology through hierarchical forms of distribution. A synthesis of sequestered ancient mystery school knowledge, solar symbolism and numerology.

Extra Dimensional. Purposefully obscure, as this most certainly constitutes an article/discussion/book in itself. Encompasses extra-dimensional, galactic and pre-historical elements; a considerable leap even from the previous level. For now, it is enough to raise the bar to Illuminism.

Within these structures, the military, mega-corps and mainstream media are used as enforcement, deployment and broadcasting domains. Each having been initially created by, and now entirely subsumed within, the higher levels of the power structures.

Depth of awareness and belief configuration determine what level of the Control System is comprehensible. It is not constructive to take a person who has remained firmly at Government level 1 all their lives straight up to Illuminism level 4. Their conditioning will not allow that jump. A burst of revelatory information may indeed shock, but it is unlikely to enlighten those who are wholly unprepared. A degree of personal study is usually required before new, wider possibilities come into range.

Into The Mists Of Time

The Control System offers nanohistory as our default reference point. An absurdly myopic perspective that suggests it is only worth looking back a few hundred years for any meaningful historical orientation. Everything before then was outlandish, superstitious and largely uncivilized – apart from the Greeks and Romans who had sanitation, hot running water and fresh grapes. This represents most people’s degree of historical awareness. Restricting access to the historical record is fundamental to the success of shaping people’s consciousness to see only that which is directly under their nose.

It is possible to trace Illuminist groups back to around 6000 BCE. Undoubtedly, they go back a lot earlier, but until we get independent access to authentic historical documents (many of which are secreted in the Vatican archives, I am reliably informed), we shall have to use thoughtful conjecture. Certainly we can track Illuminist origins to the Mithraic, Zoroastrian and Dionysian mystery schools; also directly to ancient Egypt from the predynastic period of around 5500 BCE to the early dynastic period of 3150 BCE. Inevitably, the picture gets clearer and there is more detailed information the more recent you get. For example, it can be persuasively argued that there is an unbroken thread through the Egyptian > Roman > Christian > English/US Empires. Bloodlines have been preserved throughout the timeline by way of meticulous interbreeding in order to isolate lineages with certain DNA characteristics. Funny how this stuff isn’t mentioned in high school history lessons. As Philip K Dick said, “The empire never ended.” (Valis, 1980).

Certain scholars and mystics proclaim the reality of far older civilizations such as Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis which radically extend the time frames we think in. My own personal view is that civilizations appear and disappear recurrently every three to six thousand years, before being wiped out by colossal and very sudden earth changes. All records and data are thus destroyed (save certain stone structures) and everything starts over from scratch. This catastrophic theme is presented again and again in all major ancient mythologies. Popular candidates include global flood, extreme solar activity, incoming objects in our solar system and energetic dimensional shifts. In consciousness terms, all these things are intertwined and so may all happen simultaneously.

Masters Of Reality
It used to be just TV and cinema, but now ‘the screen’ implies a number of different media flavours and delivery portals: television, film, HD, DVD, Blue Ray, computer/console games and Internet & mobile media formats.

The Control System works by keeping everyone focussing on the lowest levels of the pyramid, the base levels of the illusion. Within this contrived paradigm, people are conditioned to give their energy only to the synthetic culture received through their screen. Cars and football, home makeovers and cooking, gossip and idolatry. It all amounts to the same thing: diversion. The magician’s misdirection distracts attention while the Illuminists siphon your consciousness out of your bottom. Just keep going round that hamster wheel. Round and round. Isn’t it pretty and fun and weird and you kind of can’t get off it.

The phenomenon of ‘predictive programming’ is heavily used on the screen. It presents and acclimatizes the public to new ideas and trends. Usually put forward in a fictional context (to circumvent issues of consent or morality), many of the events, technologies and social attitudes dipped into the collective consciousness are in fact already in the pipeline.

Taking this one step further, I propose that the screen actually seeds the imagination to manifest a pre-determined reality. Far from being the trivial plaything we are told it is, the imagination is a highly developed, super powerful holographic processor. It illustrates, energizes and manifests the world around us, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is the portal through which the universal field condenses thoughtforms into matter. The imagination directly formulates our experience of reality, as strongly now as it did when we were five years old. For this reason, it is imperative that we choose carefully what we put into our minds.

With mastery of our own imagination deactivated, the default setting is to mirror the incoming data stream. Output only what is input. With the modern adult mind discouraged from connecting with reality through actual felt experience, input is predictably derived from the mainstream media. The reality blueprint is transmitted, electronically and literally, from the screen. Trillions of screens.

Film, perhaps more than any other media, has the distinct capacity to convey the viewer into lush territories of hyper-articulated pre-imagined fantasy, far from the habitual consensus vision of boring normality. It differs from literature in the sense that its fantasy articulations (CGI, sets, costumes, prosthetics) are entirely prepackaged and do not require your imagination to create anything. The Control System knows that the subtle but serviceable psychoactive trigger of ‘watching a film’ reinforces the escapist impulse in the Western mind. And how pleasurable it can sometimes be (just think of your top five films). However, the screen voyager is rarely aware of the gravity of their undertaking. Every pixel, frame, syllable, sound and byte of information is permanently imprinted into the psyche of the individual. Watching a movie, no matter how passive or engaged we may feel, is an act of imaginal sorcery, and the reality modifications invoked are not aligned with the will of the viewer, but with a distant, unseen creator.

Here is one recent and transparent example of a dual predictive programming and imagination seeding job.

Primetime viewing during a recent public holiday here in the UK (May Day weekend) was in the shape of the Tony Mitchell disaster film Flood. The tagline is “It’s coming straight for us.” What actually arrived was an enormous slice of imagination seeding. Flood is a bit like an English version of The Day After Tomorrow. Dramatic CGI scenes show London being consumed by water with all the inevitable ensuing pandemonium, unprepared authorities and selected personal dramas. In actuality Flood is yet another example of vicarious reality-porn set against the backdrop of a grim social collapse. Nothing to learn and nothing to gain, other than the cheapest of voyeuristic thrills.

For those sucked in by the drama of Flood, it was followed the very next day with the BBC news headline “Flood risk fear over key UK sites”. There are distinct similarities in the fictional and actual images, published within 24 hours of each other. The subconscious resonance is intentional. The BBC is telling you, once again, that “it’s coming straight for us”. Fear. Panic. Helplessness.

From The Gross To The Subtle
As consciousness is moved to focus on one’s own evolution, and therefore interfacing with the universal field (which touches everything and everyone), it has the agreeable side effect of automatically vaporizing the psychic restraints of the Control System. Their mindjobs and imaginal seeding no longer function. Their solemn news broadcasts morph into ludicrous parodies. It becomes hard to take their propaganda and disinformation seriously anymore. By concentrating on the path, we free ourselves, expand our consciousness, benefit others and disempower the Control System.

Herein lies the mental transfer from the gross to the subtle. Consciousness shapes reality. We are not helpless objects inside it, we make it. The solution is deceptively simple: free yourself and thereby regain sovereign control. Knowing this makes your mind hard to hijack and returns the power of creation back to the real masters of reality – us.

Breaking Free of Videodrome. The Plantation and Illusory Prison

Much of the conversation that one may ordinarily witness is anchored in drab recitals of that which was yesterday, with occasional sorties into that which may be tomorrow. All too often, there is precious little of what is now. Reality is therefore very much a secondary reflection in this artificial projection of the unreal realms of past and future. Even amongst so called professional and educated types, we find a distinct poverty of authentic personal expression, regardless of whether the parties in question are intimately known to each other or perfect strangers. Not least, this is evident in the quietly conservative middle classes who tend to rely even more heavily on stale clichés and predictable regurgitation of approved memes, despite their soul-crushing obviousness.
In view of the above, it is undoubtedly an act of deep insurgency to choose to move away from the consensus trance that guides most humans from cradle to grave. Leading one’s own experience of consciousnesses intuitively onto the sacred path of gnosis also brings a subtle sense that this is not an extraordinary gravitation at all, but a perfectly natural one. Old patterns and old wiring begin to dissolve and the damaging constructs implemented through parenting, schooling and society (however well or ill intended), cease to exert the potent authority they once did. Vulgar attempts by agents of disinformation to subvert the organic expansion of consciousness are effortlessly identified and neutralized before their proximity poses any threat. Every day becomes a novel and magikal exercise in the on-going discipline of inspired deconstruction of the old ways, and profound, integral movements into new evolving trajectories.
Yet many fine humans, ostensibly intelligent and coherent beings, will consistently regress into old behaviour patterns and conformist mentalities in the most disappointing manner. One step forward, two steps back. Unlearning decades of conditioned neuron firing is clearly a process that demands wholehearted commitment over extended periods of time, something that many just don’t have the stomach for.
Reckless Surfing
Sodom, according to the King James Version of The Bible, was one of the Cities Of The Plain (aka The Pentapolis region), sitting alongside Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim and Bela (aka Zoar). To cut a long story short, the levels of human depravity were so bad in these places, that “the Lord out of heaven” destroyed them with a hail of brimstone and fire (Genesis 19:24-25). A guy called Lot was tipped off and escaped with his family, though whilst on the road out of Sodom, his wife looked back longingly at the burning city of Sodom (against divine instruction) and was turned into a pillar of salt. Christian and Islamic thinking now associates these places, particularly Sodom, with unrepentant moral transgression.
In light of this, you will understand why last week I temporarily laboured under the delusion that I had been teleported to the venal (or should that be venereal) city of Sodom. I was reclining on the sofa with a drink, some ambient music and a book. When I finished the final chapter of the book, I recklessly decided to see if there was anything worthwhile on the TV. Usually my laptop would provide such data at a glance, but it too was taking a well earned break. So I risked a bit of impromptu channel surfing.
The dire panoply of sludge that befell me went something like this… Win ten grand. Talk longer for less. Lip gloss. Heaving cleavage. Mutants. Sexual abuse. Screaming. Guns fired into heads point blank. Cruelty, revulsion. Women horny at home. Young, sensual or mature. Cheap lingerie. Online poker. Free credit. High stakes. Deal of the day. Digital switchover. Car insurance. Life cover. Laser eye treatment. Sweating bodies in a club. Surveillance cameras. Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. War, helicopters, checkpoints. Conflict, car bombs, dead soldiers brought home. Pawning jewellery. Cash lump sum. Consolidate debts. Cheap beer. Text and flirt. Give blood. Save the children. Join the army. TURN OFF THE TV.
These are not obscure satellite channels. This is not Videodrome. These are ‘on the house’ channels that everyone with a modern TV in the UK gets. A 5 year old or a 95 year old will see this stuff if they switch on the TV late enough. Which many people do. Watching television without a plan is a risky business. The roulette wheel spins, you hit the remote and you either get a nature program or blood spattered torture. Yet people tolerate it. A common and accurate phrase I hear grumbled from many middle-aged viewers is, “there’s nothing on”. Though this does not prevent them from prospecting again later, and worse, tolerating something they are not enjoying – because watching something is better than watching nothing. To add insult to injury, in the UK at least, each household is obligated to pay an annual fee of £142 to obtain a licence to watch this shit. Quite extraordinary.
To understand what’s really going on, we need to zoom out. Draw back and detach from the freakshow, perceive it from within a broader contextual framework. It is only from this vantage point that we can detect the telltale profile – the evidential trail – of the progressive polarization of consciousness. This organic cyclical process of the conscious becoming more conscious and the unconscious become more unconscious is now a felt experience in many peoples daily lives. It represents a choice. In this very moment, a galactic opportunity is presented to Earth and its human guests. The choice is a radical one. Evolve or devolve. The mainstream media is a living illustration of what devolving human consciousness looks like. Immersion in tradition, sedation, distraction or cocooning is no longer viable. They are all wrong answers.
To Polarize Or Not To Polarize
Ontologically speaking, we may postulate that as consciousness is but one creative element within an undivided energetic whole (an aspect of the holomovement), any polarization is essentially an abstract human construct, not an actual thing in itself. Polarization is a human translation of the interaction between two parts of a single system. In this sense, the perception of polarization can be likened to the observance of wind. Wind occurs where there are differences in density between two air masses (defined by temperature and water vapour content). Where different densities exist between two adjacent air masses, the air flows from regions of higher to lower pressure. This gush of air movement is what we experience as wind.
I propose that the field of consciousness (the C-field, for short) flows around and through all things. It does not emanate from the brain – it is not an epiphenomenal accident arising from the gooey grey organ inside our skull. Consciousness is an intelligent, self-organizing field of extraordinary multidimensional information. It is a continually moving, emerging and evolving system. What we do as humans, is to conduct this field into our local physical bio-vehicle (the body) and work with it. The brain serves as a transceiver, able to transmit and receive data, to and from the field. Returning to our wind analogy, let us consider how air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Now, overlay this thinking with the idea that a human mind may offer high resistance or low resistance to the dynamic flow of consciousness. High resistance occurs when the mind is contracted, heavy and hardwired. Low resistance occurs when the mind is expansive, light and dynamic. Mind can thus be seen as an interface between the brain (the processor) and the C-field (a form of organic galactic internet). At the same time, hold the notion that everything is energy. What we are actually talking about here is how overlapping energy systems produce either harmony or dissonance; creation or dissolution.
With these powerful concepts at hand, we can say that the polarization of consciousness is better described as the widening gap between rigid high resistance clinging to the old, and fluid low resistance evolution toward the new. It is important to recognize that conscious, luminous individuals naturally modulate their own appropriate levels of resistance, depending on the circumstances. It’s not good to be at one extreme or the other all the time.
Consciousness is of the universe. It is the stuff of the universe itself. What else could it be? If such energy is being pumped out and energized by the universe, from engines of galactic creation (what the Mayans called Hunab Ku, galactic centre), I see that every few thousand years a series of exceptionally potent emanations are beamed throughout the galaxies and at particular systems where life is slowly evolving. These emanations could be considered as upgrades.
In astrophysics, ‘cosmic rays’ are defined as particles that reach the Earth from anywhere beyond its own atmosphere. Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) come from further afield, from outside the solar system and even outside the galaxy itself. Whilst the elemental makeup of GCRs is believed to be similar to the composition of the Earth and our local solar system, analysis of the origin seed material (what they were composed of at the point of origin) indicates that they are not made up of either interstellar gas or shards of giant stars that went supernova. Simply stated, where they come from is not known within the mainstream scientific community. Though some GCRs are theorized to have originated in highly energetic processes such as supernovae shockwaves, many have energies so high that no known physical process could’ve created them.
The Grand Cycle
There are correlations here with the 26,000 galactic alignment cycle where the December solstice sun aligns with the Galactic equator. This movement occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes, stimulated by the earth rotating very slowly on its axis and shifting the position of the equinoxes (solar mid points) and solstices (solar extremes of light/dark). From this, we can further trace the Mayan and Hopi mythological narratives that indicate we are at the end of the fourth age. The fourth iteration of consciousness is complete. At the end of this epoch, as the veil is lifted and everything is up for grabs, the next level of galactic upgrades becomes available for download.
As proposed in Science, The New York Times and New Scientist in November 2007, “monster black holes may power highest-energy cosmic rays.” This is compelling stuff. When a high energy ray enters into the Earth’s upper atmosphere, it creates an avalanche of secondary particles that branches outwards as it cascades down. The particle shower can have a “footprint” as large as 40 square kilometres when it hits the ground. Do they contain information? Information is energy after all. Black holes have long been suspected in the alternative community as natural portals to other galaxies. Either way, right now, high energy cosmic particles are quietly bombarding various parts of the planet, ready for dynamic interpretation. If they are encoded with data, which is an increasing possibility, I suggest that minds of rigid high resistance will not be able to receive them at all.
Resonance is key here. The technique of ‘entrainment’ posits that similarly resonating systems tend to synchronize. For example, it is known that the human brain resonates at different frequencies in different states. By introducing frequencies at different rates, this will cause the brainwaves to entrain and begin to resonate at that frequency. The result is a change in mind state, induced by the predominant incoming frequencies. For example, watching television can cause the viewer to slip from the accustomed Beta state (12-26Hz), through a passive Alpha mind state (8-12 Hz) and into the highly programmable Theta state (4-8 Hz). In Theta, assimilation of incoming data on the screen is deeply seeded into the psyche. What you watch is permanently burned in. This is frequency control. Or, if you prefer, mind control.
A coordinated barrage of fluoride, aluminium, barium, cellphone and wi-fi signals, television, aspartame, MSG, mood stabilizing drugs, fear, depression and stress – all combine most effectively to block specific frequencies of incoming data. The human animal is isolated from the C-field and cut off from the principles of divine creative collaboration. No upgrades will be possible or even desired by folk who have a steady daily diet of such government approved toxins. Sounds conspiratorial? It is. The natural human state is one of being able to smoothly modulate high frequency, low resistance (suppleness) and conscious presence. What the old hierarchy seeks to implement in its subjects is the exact opposite: low frequency, high resistance (rigidity), unconscious absence. There is no coincidence, no accident and no gross incompetence here. This is an intentional and meticulous strategy to severely corrupt the efficacy of the next upgrade in consciousness.
Once more, we must move away from consuming mainstream media, only put happy natural things into (or onto) our body, unplug technology we are not using, meditate, laugh, love, discover. Learn about plants… for eating, for healing, for gnosis. It is also of great benefit to seek some artistic expression for our innate creative impulse. To paint, draw, write, play, sing, dance, converse, dream, sculpt… something. Consume less. Create more. It is in these moments of right brain activity that the ego learns to keep its mouth shut and just watch. Very handy for firm progress on the path.
The presence of being required to successfully deepen one’s experience of consciousness is also influenced by the role of the ego. If an over promoted ego is secretly running the individual human system, there is little or no conscious evolution. Only by being authentically present with ourselves, can we hope to be authentically present with anyone else. It is by abiding with great clarity and stillness in the present moment that real communication can take place. This is the same whether we are talking to a friend, or whether we are stood on a beautiful hillside experiencing conscious absorption of incoming galactic data. Natural energetic transformation.
Be discerning and sovereign. Be open and fluid. Become familiar with the innate psychic agility that extends throughout every fibre of the physical body. By gently holding one’s own unique frequency of creative integral presence – we resonate, and thus communicate, with every living thing that shares our harmonic. The more consciousness we can conduct, the deeper our creative frequencies can permeate everything we do and are. In this endeavour, we not only heal ourselves, but we help all conscious entities, including the stunningly elegant energy system of the planet itself, to transcend the controls of the old hierarchy. This is the alchemy of being human.

The truth of the matter ,,,No one owns anything.